Beginner Gardeners | Fall Planted Bulbs | Slideshow

Why Buy Fall Planted Bulbs in Summer?


We’re only in mid-summer and you’re already thinking about fall! Fall is a popular season for the crisp air, pumpkin picking, football watching, bonfire having, and hoodie-wearing season it is. Some people just can’t wait for the arrival of fall. But, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, we have to enjoy the rest of summer first! This doesn’t mean we can’t daydream and plan for fall activities at the peak of summer. If you’re new to planting bulbs in the fall and unsure of why you would purchase them now, we have some good reasons to buy fall-planted bulbs in summer.

Planning for Fall Planting in Summer

Mixed Tulips

Mixed Tulips

What is a fall-planted bulb?

Fall planted bulbs are also sometimes called spring-blooming bulbs. Bulbs that are planted in fall are dormant through winter and wake up in spring to grow and bloom. Tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, crocus, allium, bearded iris, and fritillaria are popular fall-planted bulbs. Most of these bulbs require cold temperatures in order to produce a flower bud for spring which is part of the reason they are planted in fall.

When is the best time to order bulbs for fall planting?

The best time to order bulbs for fall planting is before the fall planting season starts. Online retailers begin selling fall-planted bulbs in late spring and continue selling through summer and into the planting season.

3 Reasons to Buy Fall-Planted Bulbs in Summer



Best Selection

Purchasing your flower bulbs for fall planting in summer offers the largest selection available. Typically in mid-summer, all varieties listed on flower bulb retailer websites like Holland Bulb Farms are still available. If there is a new parrot tulip for your garden purchasing ahead of time assures it is available. Delicacy bulbs like Snow Drops are often only available at the beginning of the fall planting season; purchasing them early ensures you will have snowdrops in your spring garden. With hundreds of flower bulbs to choose from having the largest choice of bulbs available is the optimal way to ensure your garden turns out as it should.

Best Prices on Flower Bulbs

Summer offers the best prices on flower bulbs while the selection of flower bulbs is extensive. Flower bulb companies like Holland Bulb Farms often have their fall-planted bulbs for sale prices up to 50% off in late spring and summer. As the planting season approaches the discounts may not be as great, and some of the items may no longer be available.

Reserve Your Shipping Time

Fall planted bulbs start shipping in mid-September. They are shipped based on hardiness zone locations, where orders going to the coldest areas ship first. The hardiness zone is not the only determining factor though. Orders placed in spring or summer will be the first to ship in each hardiness zone. Therefore, if you are located in hardiness zone 3 and order in late spring or summer your order will be one of the first to ship at the beginning of the fall shipping season. This is the same for all hardiness zones, the earlier you order for fall planting the earlier the order is sent when shipping to your zone begins.

Best Resources for Fall Planting

Giant Mixed Hyacinths

Giant Mixed Hyacinths

Now that you know when the best time to buy fall-planted bulbs you can start planning. Researching what grows in your area and how to plant bulbs in the fall is all part of the planning process. Check out some of these helpful garden resources for planting bulbs.

The Beginners Guide to Planting Flower Bulbs in the Fall 

Complete Guide to Growing Hyacinths 

The Beginners Guide to Gardening with Tulips 

Fall Planting Made Easy with Flower Mixes

Complete Guide to Growing Allium

The Beginners Guide to Gardening with Daffodils


Need Gardening Help?

If you need any help with gardening or if you have plant-related questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Jenny San Filippo. She can provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to succeed with your next project!

Contact Jenny

Shop For Bulbs

Holland Bulb Farms Logo

Fundraise With Bulbs

If you’re looking to run a fundraiser in the fall, spring or during the holiday season, Flower Power Fundraising is an excellent option! Sell a wide assortment of bulbs and earn 50% profit on all of your sales! It’s fun and easy!

Learn More