Must Have Fall Planted Bulbs for 2010
Sensual Touch Fringed Tulip
New for 2010 the Sensual Touch Fringed Double Tulip is an absolute must have! The shades of orange, pink, green and salmon adorn the petals it amazes me as to how a flower can naturally be this beautiful. Not only are the colors in the petals spectacular it is rare to find a fringed tulip that is also a double flowering tulip. Plant the Sensual Touch Fringed Tulip fall and your friends and family will be amazed at where you found such an exquisite tulip.
Belicia Double Flowering Tulip
When I first saw the Belica Double Tulip blooming all I could think of was a beautiful fun and flirty dress, which immediately made me think of a wedding and how romantic these blooms are. The Belicia Double Early tulip is great for small spaces and romantic garden settings where you share cherished moments with your loved ones, amongst the whimsical and delicate blooms. Plant a large grouping of the Belicia Double Early Tulips alone to bring in as cut flowers or combine with the Moonlit Garden Collection for a truly elegant garden.
Aquilla Bunch Flowering Tulip
Another new selection for 2010, the Aquilla Bunch Flowering Tulip is a necessary tulip in your garden especially if you like having fresh cut flowers on your dinner table in spring. Bunch Flowering Tulips or Bouquet Tulips as they are sometimes referred to make the best cut flowers for vases as they have several flowers per stem and strong sturdy stems. The Aquilla Bunch Flowering Tulip being a yellow flower with a red edge is a symbol of cheerfulness, warmth and love.
Mediterranean Bells Allium
The Mediterranean Bells Allium is truly unique and will provide a great color and texture for the late spring to early summer garden. Graceful and unique is what this Allium is; visitors will be puzzled at what kind of flower is blooming in your yard. When people think of Alliums they generally think of the Giant Purple Alliums which are never the less spectacular, but for a knock your socks off combination plant the Mediterranean Bells Allium amongst the Globe Master Allium and Orange Fritillaria.
Minnow Rock Garden Daffodil
There are many bulb choices for rock gardens; crocus, daffodils, squills just to name a few. My personal favorite is the Miniature Daffodil, and especially the Minnow Rock Garden Daffodil, the petite soft yellow cups combined with the white petals are rather charming. This is a must have for any new or established rock garden…also make sure to enjoy the delicate fragrance of its blooms next spring.
Lutea Yellow Fritillaria
Fritillaria is always a show stopper in the back of the border. My favorite Fritillaria and suggestion for anyone that has problems with deer eating their flowers is the Yellow Fritillaria. Bold Exotic blooms will spring forth in the back of your perennial border. Fritillaria are very deer and pest resistant and often times will protect the surrounding vulnerable plants from deer and rodent attacks.
Splendid Cornelia Hyacinth 
Hyacinth blooms in spring have a truly sweet and intoxicating scent that few can resist. Hyacinths are typically thought of as pastel color plants, the Splendid Cornelia is a bright purple that will add a rich and fragrant appeal in your garden. Hyacinths are one of the best bulbs for indoor forcing, and I personally can’t resist the scent of Hyacinths indoors in March right before everything else awakens outdoors for the spring, it certainly awakens my senses.
Spring Green Viridiflora Tulip
Elegant and chic; the Spring Green Viridiflora Tulip is a definite must have for any container or cutting garden. One of my favorite fresh cut flower arrangements from my spring cutting garden is just a simple vase of the Spring Green Viridiflora Tulips, Queen of the Night Single Late Tulips and Sensual Touch Double Fringed Tulip, it is so simple yet so chic!
Cammasia/Wild Hyacinth
Wild Hyacinth has been around since before the United States was founded. Camasia was a very important plant the Native Americans as they often cooked the bulbs for food. I like the Camasia for its versatility in the garden. It is great for naturalizing in damp areas of the yard or as a spring wildflower in a meadow, but it also stands up as a long lasting cut flower. True blue is very difficult to find in the flower garden and the Camasia is a plant that comes very close to being a true blue, just another wonderful feature of this under used native spring wild flower!
Ice Follies Daffodil
When I am out for a relaxing spring time stroll in my neighborhood and see all the Daffodils blooming I feel overwhelmed with joy as they let me know there is many more beautiful blooms to come in the following months. Daffodils are easy to grow, even if you don’t have a green thumb.The Ice Follies Daffodil is a classic white flowering variety that is elegant, and will make an impression when planted in mass or as a compliment to other more bold spring blooming bulbs.
What are your favorite fall planted bulbs for 2010 that you must have?
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to to talk about my passion and look forward to the next time!!
Jenny San Filippo
Certified Horticulturalist