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Planning and Preparing for Starting Begonias Indoors


Plan and prepare if you want the most robust begonia flowers this summer. Tuberous begonias are slow to sprout. Therefore, giving the tubers a jumpstart by starting them indoors in late winter or early spring has huge benefits. Don’t delay planning and preparing; the earlier a plan is formed, the better positioned you will be to have healthy, happy begonias this summer. Starting begonias indoors requires a few supplies and a little extra work, but the rewards are worth it months later.

Purchasing Begonia Tubers and Supplies

Buying Begonia Tubers Online

Angelique BegoniaThe first step to planning for starting begonia tubers is to buy begonia tubers. When shopping online for begonia tubers at Holland Bulb Farms a wide selection of begonias are available.

When considering which begonias to buy, think about a few important aspects that will help determine which begonias are best for you. Consider where the begonias will be planted. Will they be planted in pots, hanging baskets, window boxes, or planted in the ground?

Hanging Basket Begonias have cascading blooms and overall cascading form, they are best for hanging baskets and window baskets. Double Begonias and Ruffled Begonias take on a more upright shape and can be used in patio pots, deck planters, and planted directly in the ground.

Next, think about what colors you would like. Begonias are available in warm colors like red, yellow, orange, pink, and white. Will the begonias be planted with other flowers or plants? How will the bloom color look with the other plants in the planters or surrounding area? If you are unsure of which colors to plant, using a mixed pack of begonias is a good start!

A very important note about buying begonia tubers for starting indoors: When buying begonia tubers online from Holland Bulb Farms orders that have ONLY begonias on them and no other items will ship out in late winter. Therefore, if your goal is to start the begonia tubers early in late winter to early spring, only order begonia bulbs. Make a separate order for other bulbs and perennials you plan to plant this spring.

How Many Begonia Tubers Do I Need?

Cascade Mix BegoniaOnce you know which colors and varieties of begonias you are ordering, it’s time to know how many packs of bulbs you need to order. For hanging baskets and patio pots, measure the diameter of the pot. Usually for a 10-12″ diameter pot, 3 begonia tubers will fill the pot for a full look.

Perhaps you don’t have an exact plan of which pots the begonias are going in, but they will be spread out amongst different planters. In that case, plan for each begonia tuber to take up about 8-12″ of space.

When planting begonia tubers in the ground space the bulbs 9-12″ apart. Measure 9-12″ from the center of each tuber to where the next tuber will be planted. To determine how many tubers you need when planting in the ground, measure the planting area length and width.

Planting Supplies for Starting Begonias Indoors

Lambert Potting MixA few supplies are necessary for starting begonia tubers indoors. Start with high-quality soil that drains well and has nutrients. Using potting soil like Lambert All Purpose Potting Soil is convenient and can be ordered with your begonia order.

A shallow seed starting tray for the tubers is ideal; it helps to make transplanting the tubers to pots easy. Of course, they can also be started directly in the pots that they will be growing in during the summer months.

Plant labels are helpful to know which tubers are planted in each pot or planting tray.

As the begonia tubers start to sprout and grow the soil should be kept slightly damp. Therefore, watering the tubers is part of the process. When watering the tubers, add some fertilizer like Jack’s Bloom Booster Fertilizer to help encourage big, bright blooms. Continue fertilizing the begonia tubers throughout the season once they are outdoors; this will ensure a summer full of blooms.

The First Step to Planting is Planning

Now that you have all the information, you should be ready to form a plan of which begonias to buy and what supplies you need to start the begonias indoors. When the begonia tubers arrive in late winter to early spring, it’s time to plant. Our Complete Guide to Growing Begonias has all the information you need to plant and grow healthy begonias this summer.

Need Gardening Help?

If you need any help with gardening or if you have plant-related questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Jenny San Filippo. She can provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to succeed with your next project!

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